Now that I've constructed a thorough Mission Statement, it is now time to compile together a group of objectives that Koot's Brüt Vodka will strictly abide to so that we can create the best relations and experiences for our loyal customers. We are here to provide an experience more than just an alcoholic beverage.
But before we decide to jump in our objectives, I think its best that the term 'Objectives', is defined and completely understood for our potential customers, returning customers, employees, and whomever our business may concern.
I going to break this down to two main objective categories that I believe will greatly improve this company. First would have to be our Advertising objectives: “An advertising objective is a specific communication task to be accomplished with a specific target audience during a specific period of time.” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Armstrong/Kotler-pg. 19 Chapter 12) Advertising objectives alone breaks down into 3 sub-categories of informative, persuasive, and reminder advertising which I’ll get into in a moment but these all build on each other to create a greater costumer relation. “Informative advertising is used heavily when introducing a new product category. In this case, the objective is to build primary demand.” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Armstrong/Kotler-pg. 19 Chapter 12) This is basically just to get our product out there in the open. Then there is Persuasive objectives, that deal the increase of competition and our market has high and strong competition so it’s important to persuade and made our product stand our more than the rest. Last of the advertising objectives would be ‘Reminder’ advertising which is here to maintain costumer relations and reminding them of future products they may want. “Reminder advertising is important for mature products—it helps to maintain customer relationships and keep consumers thinking about the product.” (Marketing: An Introduction for Education Management Corporation, Armstrong/Kotler-pg. 20 Chapter 12)
The other main objective that we at Koot’s Brüt Vodka stand by is Strategic Market Objectives. “Strategic objectives focuses on winning additional market share, overtaking key competitors on product quality or customer service or product innovation, achieving lower overall costs than rivals, boosting the company’s reputation with customers, winning a stronger foothold in international markets, exercising technological leadership, gaining a sustainable competitive advantage, and capturing attractive growth opportunities.” ( This is nails it straight on and we strive for the best.
Now that we understand what objectives are and what we look forward to, I believe its time we unveil Koot’s Brüt Vodka Objectives:
We here at Koot’s strive for the unmost quality of Vodkas and the best relations a business can achieve. We always put our customers first and always will aim to create great relations between us. Last but not least, We crave returning customers and will create great opportunities an benefits for loyal friends here at Koot’s Brüt Vodka.
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