Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Business Mission Statement

In developing a mission statement that specifically applying to such a unique company like Koot’s Brüt Vodka; one must know and understand what a legitimate mission statement composes. A mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purposes—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment. A clear mission statement acts as an 'invisible hand' that guides people in the organization”. (Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong & Kotler, Page 5 Chapter 2) Basically, your mission statement must state your purpose and position as a business. Sounds simple and yet work is still put into this to get your point across as a striving and unique company.

The mission statement is actually built for both customers and employees of our company so that our employees know what goal they are working for and what the customers expect from our company. “Mission statements should be meaningful and specific yet motivating. They should emphasize the company’s strengths in the marketplace. Too often, mission statements are written for public relations purposes and lack specific, workable guidelines.” (Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong & Kotler, Page 6 Chapter 2) So companies choose to have a mission statement that goes on and for pages and pages. Others keep it short and simple and yet still fill in all the cracks that a mission statement should be composed of. It is important to have the mission statement openly available and easy to find for your customers and employee so that it’ll show commitment to your market and company itself.

Now that we understand a true mission statement, this the one I have developed for Koot’s Brüt Vodka:
            We are committed to producing and providing the finest vodkas of the highest value to our customers. We are dedicated on improving and maintaining the relations between our customers and employees; and most of all, providing a supreme experience and vodka.

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