“One thing that all of the Millennials have in common is their utter fluency and comfort with digital technology. They don’t just embrace technology, it’s a way of life.” (Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong & Kotler, Pg. 17) This is definitely true in 100% form of my generation of “Millennials”. The “Millennials” are defined as the group born between 1977 and 2000. We all fixed into you new technologies like our phones, iPods, or laptops and yet technology is always growing and reinventing itself but the generation I have grown up adapts quick and easy. “A recent study found that 91 percent of Millennials are on the Web, making up 32 percent of all U.S. Internet users.” (Marketing: An Introduction, Armstrong & Kotler, Pg. 17) I am always emerging myself in the internet, whether it would be Facebook or online browsing. We also have a total purchasing power of 733 billion dollars, making up a larger target market since we spend carelessly not like our predecessors such as the Baby boomers and Generation X. I also fall into some of the demographic characteristics of the Generation X such as the latchkey kids. I was with my mother, which was a single-parent, and she worked all day. I’d come home after school with my brothers and we would take care of each other while she was off making the cash; which was totally fine though. I also appreciate my experiences a lot more than materialistic view on life; such as the X Gen. We all share certain traits of each demographic in a way but the Millennial category fits my description at 80% accuracy.
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